Christie Horan danced for the University of Kentucky on the nationally recognized dance team for the entire four years of college. While dancing for the University she earned the Dancer of the Year, Coaches Award, and MVP Awards. From there she auditioned for 3 NBA dance teams in 2014 and earned a spot on the Washington Wizards as an NBA dancer.

unnamed-1-2Horan says, “My goal is to bring together an amazing community of strong, empowered, and confident women who share a love for movement and an active lifestyle.”

Continue reading to learn more about Christie and her passion for dance as well as motivating others to find their love for movement.

Recess: What does dance mean to you?

Christie Horan (CH): Dance is my career, craft, and passion, but it has also been there for me and with me throughout my entire life. Dance makes me feel whole. Dance makes me feel feminine. Dance makes me feel like myself. Whether I’m the teacher, the student, or the performer, dance fills my soul with fire, passion, and love that nothing else in this world will fill.

Recess: How did you start your career in dance?

(CH): I started dancing when I was 3 years old and haven’t stopped! My dance career started at the University of Kentucky where I danced for 4 years and choreographed for local high school dance teams to pay rent and tuition. Immediately after graduation, I auditioned for NBA dance teams. The audition process is challenging and competitive both physically and mentally. There are hundreds of talented dancers who show up to auditions determined to make a team with ~20 spots. The coach selects the final team after several grueling rounds. I auditioned for 3 teams during the summer of 2014, and earned a spot on the Washington Wizards Dancers! That’s where my pro dance dreams came true!


Recess: What are some of your best memories of being on the NBA dance team?  What were some of the biggest lessons learned physically and mentally?

(CH): I have so many amazing memories of dancing for the NBA. My top three include dancing during game timeouts, traveling to London, Brazil, and China to dance at NBA events, and creating lifelong friendships with my teammates. I learned how to lead by example and integrity, time management (dancing for the NBA is a part-time job with a full-time commitment), and retaining choreography quickly and accurately. I also learned how important it is to take care of my body and mind in order to maintain longevity and excel at the high-performance demands of an athletic dance career.

Recess: You have such an energetic vibe, how does this transfer into your classes?

(CH): Thank you! I’m all about channeling my cheerleader energy to hype you up and celebrate what your body can do for you! That means speaking positively, exclaiming my gratitude for you and your attendance, encouraging you by calling out your name in class, and playing upbeat music to spark all those energetic vibes.

Recess: How do you hope to empower women?

(CH):I hope to empower women to feel strong and confident during class so they can feel and be their best selves outside of class in everything they do. That means following your dreams, listening to your heart, speaking positively to yourself, having dance breaks during class, cheering each other on, creating a supportive community, taking a rest day and reflecting when needed, and celebrating movement every day. You and your life are SPECIAL, let’s CELEBRATE it!