Today being an instructor doesn’t stop with teaching classes.  The truth of the matter is most instructors today are doing a lot more than teaching classes. They are coaching, writing, working with brands, and much more. Whether you are a veteran or new to the fitness industry getting clear on your niche and how to brand yourself is vital and trust me it’s never too late to figure this out. Jordanna Cheifetz, CEO and founder of JAC Digital Inc. says,

“Branding yourself can set you apart from the masses, picking a niche is the most important thing you can do when branding yourself.  If you try to cater to everyone your overall marketing and message won’t speak to anyone. Your niche can also be linked to who your ideal client is, so it’s important to target the customer you want to relate to,”

This may seem daunting and overwhelming especially if this is new territory for you. Instructor Rosalia Chann, Celebrity Trainer and Holistic Healer, reveals you have all the tools you need, just dig deep. “Use your unique story and education to differentiate you from other instructors. Your story and prior experiences will allow you to define the clients you are attracting,”  

Below are a few simple tips to get you started (don’t worry you got this)!

Be true to yourself

Genevieve Constance a coach and mentor suggests looking around to try and determine what your niche is based on what others are doing. Try pinpointing some of your favorite social media accounts or even do some research online utilizing some keywords that are aligned with your focus. Genevieve urges you to be mindful of not letting it lead you astray from your own “Why”.

“I recommend breaking it down. Start by looking at your Why (for creating your business or brand in the first place), this will usually lead you to a problem or problems you want to solve. In most cases, this stems from a personal experience. Think about who you were at that time, what problem(s) you had, and what you needed to solve. Your niche will usually lie in there, and by pinpointing it this way, you’re ensuring that you’re staying true to yourself,” she further explains.

Still not sure where to begin? Here are some key questions you can ask yourself.

  1. What do my followers gain by following me?
  2. Who is my ideal client?
  3. Why did I start my brand?
  4. What was my initial goal?

Embrace the journey

This will always be a struggle, considering the uneasiness the early stages of discovery may bring. There are mental and emotional triggers as well as blocks that will often arise that no no one talks about.  “The early stages of discovery inherently require some digging, which means you might find yourself face to face with some wounds from your past that you never expected to visit while doing work on your business,” says Genevive.

It may be frustrating when you find yourself hitting a wall or getting overwhelmed with information but that is a part of the journey. This is where you discover your niche, passion, and signature selling point. 

Never forget you don’t have to go through this process alone. Constance suggests having support for the strategic business side of things, as well as, the mental and emotional (life) side of things as you go through these stages.

The first step is getting started, you may not have all the pieces of the puzzle in the initial phase but no one ever does.