Desk With a Computer and Calendar in the Background

With the holiday season quickly approaching, now is the time to check in with yourself and prepare for the upcoming season. We all know that holidays can wreak havoc in managing class schedules, participant numbers, and client motivation. 

We spoke with Recess’ own, Keisha Saddler, a fitness instructor of 15 years, and Nan Luma, a movement-positive coach, for expert tips on how to ensure success despite any holiday craze. Read more about how they keep their schedules organized, maximize time for fitness, and find time for restoration and relaxation.

Plan ahead.

One key element to creating a successful class schedule during this season is to prepare. Nan’s mantra is “if you don’t plan your work, you can’t work your plan.” Whether you’re using a real-life calendar or a virtual one, plan with a big picture view of the next three months to stay on track, and assure consistency for yourself and your clients.


Woman Looking at Her Watch

Keep motivation high.

Winter months and holidays create the perfect storm for putting off working out until “later.” Understand that clients may be busy, but use this time to spark their inspiration and hold them accountable to their fitness goals.

Recess protip: incentivize clients during the holiday season by offering discounted class sessions.


Online Fitness Class


Rest and reset.

An essential part of staying on track during this time is maintaining an effective self-care routine. “It’s important to check-in with yourself,” Nan says, “If it feels like this (a hectic schedule) isn’t what you intended, you need to adjust.”

Woman Stretching on a Mat


Virtual class platforms make it so much easier to reach clients at any point in the day. It also means that you can always be available. During this holiday season, adjust your schedule to serve yourself and your clients.

Take time this week to hone in on your schedule. Set up your class times, now, for the next few months. Be sure to let your clients know any modifications to it well in advance to keep them on track towards their fitness goals. Don’t forget to take time for you and block out time to cozy up and enjoy this holiday season!  

We hope these suggestions help you plan a successful holiday season. Have more advice for instructors? Let us know in the comments!

If you want to see more from Nan and Keisha, find them on Recess at and