Mental Health awarenessMental Health Awareness Month should remind you of why it’s important to put your mental health at the top of your list and also give yourself room to discover new ways to do just that. Why is this important? As instructors, it’s natural for you to absorb the energy of your clients both good and bad. This can lead to your own turmoil, so finding ways to strengthen your mind is essential.

Discussing your day-to-day struggles is one way to honor this month. The more you share the more it helps to fight the stigma circled around mental health while raising awareness at the same time.

If you are lacking motivation, feeling overly exhausted, or not taking care of yourself it might be time to take a rest and hit the reset button. Let the advice from the three instructors below help guide you to prioritizing practices that can support you mentally.  

Rosalia Chann, Celebrity Trainer + Holistic Healer

Mental (and overall) health is a top priority for me and how I encourage other practitioners and instructors to care for themselves. You need to create the space to take care of yourself first as you take care of others. Make sure that you let go of what’s not yours in between clients or at the end of the day.

Eric Salvary Trainer/Bootcamp instructor

Mental Health is important for instructors because we are often absorbers of people’s thoughts and insecurities which is like being a therapist. When we take on so much finding healthy Mental health practices are important to keep your own personal life, personal and work issues in balance.

Brie Taylor, Breathwork Facilitator + Integrative Subconscious Coach

I love showing up for my clients and watching them grow, heal, and strive for greatness and harmony. However, if I take on too many clients or their energy, I find myself depleted, weighed down, and if I run on empty for too long, I become physically ill.

It’s more natural for me to go a million miles an hour than it is to slow down and rest. I remind myself to take breaks daily. Throughout the past 5 years, I’ve learned that I need to slow down, to prioritize my health and my needs. When I do that, I feel joyful, I feel fulfilled, I don’t have physical pains, and my progress is consistent and more impactful.

Here are 3 ways you can focus on your mental health as an instructor.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, taking care of yourself is not a luxury it’s a necessity.