Maria Leguizamon is the founder of Colombian Mafia Fit after starting her health and fitness journey nine years ago. Fitness changed her life and made her feel stronger, both mentally and physically. Discovering her love for movement gave her the opportunity to change the lives of women around the world.
One of Maria’s mottos is to learn self-love through fitness. Her programs are suitable for all fitness levels, offers variety and are excellent if you are short on time. Keep reading to learn more about her journey and how she is changing the lives of over 8,000 members.
Recess: You became a fitness professional 9 years ago, what was the one thing that nudged you to start this career?
Maria Leguizamon (ML): I fell in love with yoga at first, it’s where I learned to understand my body, breathing while moving, feeling strong. I started incorporating weight lifting and discovered that bringing all my knowledge from yoga and weight training was a different game – not only for my body but for my mind as well.
“As a mom of 3 boys, I can tell you, that you can get lost taking care of everyone, and forgetting about yourself.”
I decided to share this with other women out there. As a Mom of 3 boys, I can tell you, that you can get lost taking care of everyone, and forgetting about yourself. We forget how important self-care is not only for your physical body but your mental health too. The importance of a positive mindset with a strong body, it’s all connected. I wanted to share this with every woman I met. I wanted to empower and inspire women to live their best life, and embrace who they are! Because I believe we deserve that! Being You! Loving yourself!
Recess: How would you describe your offerings? How would you classify your classes?
ML: I have programs you can do with follow along videos as well as go at your own time. I also do live Zoom classes weekly, but the biggest thing I offer is a beautiful community of women (over 8,000 members) that will inspire you and motivate you to change your story.
My classes are a party where you will find yourself in touch with your full body as you breathe to Latin beats. We use free weights, resistance bands and gliders as a way to always challenge and push yourself to believe! You will find yourself dancing to some salsa and building that booty!
Recess: As a mother of 3 boys, what is your biggest piece of advice for mothers trying to balance it all while making movement a priority?
ML: The most important thing is to understand that to take care of others, you MUST take care of yourself. Understanding that change needs to come from within, because no one is gonna do it for you! And if “she = you” is putting you down, fire that b*tch and embrace all you are! Movement is life, is health, is strength! To teach our kids self love, we need to understand it first! Fitness is a beautiful way to empower yourself!
Recess: You have grown such a strong community – in what ways are you inspiring women to make sure they take their health seriously?
ML: I make it so that the change comes from within rather than seeing it as just another workout. To commit to yourself, you have to believe in yourself and practice self love. I empower my girls to love themselves, so they can push and work in their best versions! Being strong and healthy is always a priority.
Recess: As an instructor, what is one of your most memorable experiences to date?
ML: I have had so many, I have met some unbelievable women in all these years that I have taught. And something I will always make memorable is knowing that I’m changing women from the inside out. Changing lives, and making women feel beautiful, strong, and confident is priceless to me!