TABATA VS HIIT_ The pros and cons of both

Varying your workouts have a number of benefits that include avoiding boredom, preventing overuse injury, and it can also help you reach your exercise goals. When it comes to quick and effective workouts there are two well-known formats that you can choose from that can add variety to your regular routine. Tabata and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) have been a popular option for gym-goers that are looking to increase the intensity of their workouts, challenge themselves and boost their metabolism.

Below is a breakdown of the pros and cons for each workout style to help you decide what works best for you and your goals.

Tabata: Tabata aims at reaping the most benefits in a short amount of time. The exercises are done for eight rounds for 20 seconds. Most workouts are challenging to target endurance and strength. Each round is followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Pros: Tabata truly challenges the mind and body through the challenging sequence of workouts. Here are some more benefits!

Cons: Tabata is not considered a fun workout which can make it harder to stick to. Other things that may not have you completely sold on Tabata are:

HIIT: HIIT is cardiorespiratory training (trains the heart and lungs Ex. running, jogging, and swimming ). There are bursts of intense exercise that are followed by short rest periods. This cycle is repeated for 20-30 minutes to complete the workouts.

Pros: There are a number of benefits from HIIT styled fitness classes that include:

Cons: There are however a few downsides to this type of routine, some examples of this are:

Both workouts burn anywhere between 400-450 calories per half-hour. Give both workouts a try, whichever one you go with you are going to walk away feeling challenged and stronger than when you started.